YieldPlanet Channel Manager: Positives, Negatives & More

Kshitij Chaudhary
2 min read
June 15, 2024

Welcome to another blog series from Brance. In this series, we delve into the top hotel channel managers, providing you with the insights you need to make informed decisions. Today, we go over yieldPlanet, a popular channel manager used by many hoteliers worldwide.

We've rigorously scored yieldPlanet on various parameters to give you a transparent view of its performance. We've summarized our in-depth research into a tabular summary of scores in percentage, providing a snapshot of the positives and negatives:

Our Channel Manager Review Parameters You Can Trust

As part of our review policy, we’d like to state that our reviews were created using an AI analysis. Then, we reviewed the whole review for any inaccuracies before editing it for clarity and crispness.

Moreover, we’ve picked specific parameters, like ‘marketing visibility,’ for example, that best demonstrates a channel manager's performance. We then judged our review of the channel manager's performance against these parameters. 

Here are all the parameters we have picked:

Parameter | Positive | Negative | Ok

--- | --- | --- | ---

Ease of Use | 89% | 11% | 0%

Technical Reliability | 71% | 0% | 29%

Customer Support | 100% | 0% | 0%

Price | 100% | 0% | 0%

Operations Management | 50% | 50% | 0%

Integration | 50% | 50% | 0%

Revenue Management | 100% | 0% | 0%

Marketing Visibility | 0% | 0% | 0%

Reporting Analytics | 0% | 100% | 0%

So that’s your parameters in a nutshell. For a complete review, jump into the complete review below.

1. Ease of Use

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 89%  | 11%      | 0%  |


yieldPlanet's channel manager for hotels is well regarded for its ease of use capabilities; it gets a solid 89% positive score there. 

The users appreciate the user-friendly interface that facilitates intuitive system setup and operation. They also love the ability to easily connect and manage multiple hotels within the system, which is a significant advantage, as is the simple navigation between different interface sections. 

Professional support enhances the user experience and problem resolution, making it critical for users. Moreover, it also offers the capability to manage multiple properties efficiently—an essential function for businesses with more than one location. 


Despite the overwhelmingly positive reviews, the tool does have a few problems. For one, modifying availability and rates is difficult due to the lack of a calendar view. This specific issue understandably upsets the ease of use and functionality of the system, making things unnecessarily difficult for everyone. 

2. Technical Reliability

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 71%  | 0%       | 29%  | 


The technical reliability of yieldPlanet scores a positive 71%. 

Users report no connectivity errors, efficient management of hotels and vacation rentals, and rare technical connection issues. They have also commented positively on the system's reliability and robustness and its continuous evolution without specific technical problems. 

It’s no wonder, then, that this indicates a stable system capable of handling multiple properties. So you’re good to go with the tool, as always. 


The tool doesn’t report any significant negatives when it comes to technical reliability, underscoring yieldPlanet's effectiveness in providing a reliable and robust channel management solution. 

However, it gets a 29% vote for OK reviews. This shows that while the tool is doing alright, things can be improved significantly.

3. Customer Support

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


yieldPlanet channel manager’s customer support comes highly recommended; it gets a 100% positive score for all it does. 

The support team is particularly noted for its excellent support. Users across companies value the proactive suggestions, easy accessibility, reliability, and effectiveness of the support service. Technical support responds and resolves issues promptly, and the support staff is consistently kind and helpful. 

In conclusion, the personal, friendly, and fast support is highly valued by customers—making the tool a juggernaut in customer service.


Their tool doesn’t have any negatives as far as customer reviews go. Not a single (negative) review was mentioned regarding customer support, reflecting the high level of satisfaction among users.

4. Price

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  |


The pricing of yieldPlanet's channel manager is unanimously praised. It gets a 100% positive score for offering features at a lower price than competitors, providing exceptional value for the money. 

This cost-effectiveness and feature richness, along with some other tools, emphasize the outstanding value for the cost. 


There are no negative comments regarding the price, indicating universal approval of the pricing structure.

5. Operations Management 

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 50%  | 50%      | 0%  |


The software helps maintain high occupancy rates consistently throughout the year, indicating its effectiveness in operations management. While the tool does this exceedingly well, there are many things it lacks at.

It’s for this reason that the tool gets a meager 50% in positive ratings. 


As we said above, there’s a lot that is wrong with the yieldPlanet channel manager. 

For one, deleting mappings is slow and must be done one line at a time, and the mapping table locks up during mapping processes. Moreover, these specific issues affect efficiency and user experience, indicating potential usability and performance problems.

6: Integration 

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 50%  | 50%      | 0%  | 


yieldPlanet covers all distribution needs for a property, offers an extensive variety of partner connections, regularly updates by adding new partner connections, and provides easy integration with new partners. 

This comprehensive distribution coverage, wide partner connectivity, and user-friendly integration are significant advantages—making yieldPlanet a number-one choice for many around the world.


Naturally, the tool isn’t without problems, as evident from the 50% negative takes.

For one, the interface needs improvements to discriminate stop sales by channels and rates, as the extranet is not responsive on mobile devices for quick changes. Moreover, improvements are also required to work with different prices and markets simultaneously. 

While it’s nothing that cannot be improved, the teams need to tackle it seriously enough.

7. Revenue Management

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 100% | 0%       | 0%  | 


The app gets a 100% positive score for revenue management as the software enhances sales and visibility for businesses. This not only proves that yieldPlanet's channel manager effectively supports revenue management strategies, but it also contributes to increased sales and business visibility.

While there are no specific positive comments, a 100% positive score does demonstrate the tool’s brilliance in this feature.


There are no negative reviews for revenue management online. This only indicates complete user satisfaction in this area, as there are no online reviews against the tool.  

8. Marketing Visibility

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 0%   | 100% | 0%  |


The tool doesn’t have any such specific positives. There are no relevant positive reviews online that can give enough information about the tool.  


Marketing visibility is a significant weakness of the tool. 

While no specific details are provided, yieldPlanet's channel manager may need to improve in delivering adequate marketing visibility for hotels. For this, the tool gets a 100% negative score.

9. Reporting Analytics 

| Positive | Negative | Ok  |


| 0%   | 100% | 0%  |


There’s nothing positive about the tool online, as the reviews demonstrate. It’s no wonder, then, that you have, or want, reporting analytics for your needs; this isn’t the tool for you. 


Reporting and analytics are areas where yieldPlanet faces challenges, with a 100% negative score. 

The historical changes in prices and allotments interface could be more user-friendly, indicating a need for improvement in usability in tracking historical price and allotment changes.

Is the yieldPlanet Channel Manager Worth It? 

So, is yieldPlant what you should go for? It’s swift and reliable as far as channel managers go, and even more importantly, it is available at a fantastic price point. But if you’re still not sure about the tool, there’s always the free demo to give it a try. 

Simply contact the team and get a free trial of the tool.

Kshitij Chaudhary

Kshitij founded Brance with the vision of helping hoteliers increase their direct bookings using AI. Over the last ten years, he has led the Marketing and Growth of several technology organizations and start-ups such as BCG, Shuttl, House of Beauty, etc.

He also loves traveling and sports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is First Response Time important in inside sales?

First Response Time holds a great importance in inside sales because it influences customer satisfaction. Ultra-fast responses improve the chances of potential leads getting converted into paying and loyal customers.

What are the consequences of a delayed first response in inside sales?

A delay in First response time can result in missed opportunities, customer frustration, and a negative impact on conversion rates. Potential leads may lose interest or shift to competitors when experience a delay in response time.

What role does technology play in reducing first response time?

Technology plays a vital role in reducing first response time through automation. AI-driven chatbots streamline the communication process and enables faster interactions.

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